Friday, November 4, 2011

Chapter 5: Pixie Dust

“Let’s go, this delayed us so much.” Xavier announced.
“But you’re wounded. Maybe this is a bad idea.” Arthur was worried.
“No. It’s just a couple scratches.” Luxor lied.
“We got the first aid things in my handbag, so we’ll be okay.” Xavier explained.
“If you say so.” Amy sighed.
After treating themselves, they set out on their quest. They continued hiking through the forest and came across a village of pixies which lived in the trees. They walked without care, but a young pixie that was playing outside feared them, and zoomed home to tell the king. The king was alarmed by this and ordered everyone to try and stop the group. Thousands of pixies flew out of the trees and swarmed the group. All four saw the pixies and started swinging their arms, trying to swat away the pixies, but all they did was making them angrier. Arthur, seeing his opportunity, dropped to the ground and rolled away from the swarm. He had grabbed Xavier’s sword when he dropped to the ground, so he raised it up and got ready to swing it at the pixies. Just as he was about to, the pixies flew away, and when he turned to look behind him, he saw the king. The king trapped Arthur in a cage made of pixie dust, and switched his own speech to English.

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